Sunday, 26 February 2017

Famous Books I HAVE NOT read

Hello there! I thought this week's post will be about books that everyone is constantly talking about but that I -forever behind-, have not yet read. For some reason or another, I always find myself years behind in the book community! Just so you can have an idea, I just read All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr last month - and it was super hyped in 2015! I keep hoping I will catch up someday, but until that moment comes, here's a short recollection of those books :)

Beware - there are some shocking ones!

1. The Book Thief (Markus Zusak)

Why have I not read this book? Honestly, no idea. I guess it is because I never actually owned it and I am waiting to get my hands on a pretty copy. I really do want to read it, though I have to admit I have the faintest idea of what it is about. I didn't go see the movie because I wanted to read it first, but I guess I never got the chance... :/ I will definitely read it as soon as I get myself a copy :D

2. Harry Potter Series, by J. K. Rowling

Yep... I have not read the Harry Potter series. I confess. I declare myself guilty. But hang on a minute!  Before you kill me, I'll explain :) *smiles guiltily to distract the audience*

The Harry Potter books are middle school reads, and when I was that age I did not even know of the existence of the bookish part of the internet (come on, all we used to do was play computer games back in the day), so I didn't know it was such a blast. And no one ever bought me them for my birthday or Christmas, so I didn't even own the books. Of course I knew they existed, but (please, please don't kill me...) Harry Potter were movies for me. Also, I used to live in Spain when I was small, and I don't think the Harry Potter book series was as famous as it might have been in English-speaking countries. Furthermore, I really think the translation into Spanish isn't that good, because I did actually try to read the series some years ago, and I thought they were OK, but they didn't quite stay with me and I only got to the second one or so. People do say the books are way better in English, to be fair. 

This book series, though, is one I am determined to try and read at some point. Can't tell when, but I will :) Plus, after having watched Fantastic Beasts at the cinema, I really am eager to know about the story behind it. There were a lot of points I didn't fully understand because I haven't read the books -and that's so bad, really... :( So yeah, I will definitely read Harry Potter :)

3.Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

This is such a classic, and I have not read it. I hear it's a fantastic book -though I really don't know what it is about :') It is in my huge TBR, but I don't think I'll be reading it anytime soon -mainly because it is quite a long read and I don't have the time to dive into such a dense novel during the school year (my Christmas reading list was kind of full :P), but also because there are so many books I want to read right now before I read this. I will manage to read it at some point, nonetheless :) 

4.Paper Towns, by John Green

Paper Towns

John Green... Oh, John Green. What is it you have that everyone seems to love? Honestly, because I can't find it! I've really tried. I've read Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars by him - the latter I enjoyed but didn't love, but the first I just couldn't bare it. I believe John Green is one of those over-hyped authors whose ideas are awesome, but they don't know really know how to take them to paper. I know a lot of people will disagree, but that's the beauty of the internet, isn't it? We can all share our opinions regardless what they are! :) I think his stories are good for people who aren't really used to reading much - they are light and their language is pretty simple. But, judging by the two I've read, I don't think they are great novels. Paper Towns I didn't even wait to read the book before I watched the movie (which I really enjoyed, by the way!). So nope, this one I'm not planning on reading!

5. A Court of Thorns and Roses (Sarah J. Maas)

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)

OK. This one I honestly don't know why I have not read yet. I guess it's because my TBR is really long, and I already own more than a few books that I have yet to read, so it's not wise to buy more (said every book-lover always and never went through with it). The truth is, I don't have the book, and I foresee it's going to be such a great one I will want to have the physical copy of it. I am determined to read it soon, however. My goal is to have read it by the end of summer, along with so many others! :D I'll keep you posted :P

6. The Infernal Devices - Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)

Cassandra Clare is an author I have a slight problems with. I was first recommended The Mortal Instruments series by a dear friend of mine whom I've recently got back in touch with. She really loved the series, so I thought I'd go for it too. I remember I read the first 3 books quite awhile ago, and for some reason I don't remember I stopped there. I guess if you stop reading a series (of which all the books have been published) and you don't really know why it's because you weren't liking it all that much - otherwise you would have killed to get the next book, right? But, regardless, I started re-reading the series the past summer and I decided I really didn't like it that much. So I guess that doesn't motivate me much to start her other super famous series - The Infernal Devices. I know it's supposed to be better, but I don't feel the urge to read it right now. There's so many other books I'd rather read first, I guess!

7.  Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo)

Yup! I haven't read this one yet either :O I KNOW it's great and I haven't read absolutely anything negative about it, but it's been sitting on my TBR pile for a long time now! Fortunately, I managed to include it in my 2017 Diverse Reads Challenge for the month of March, so it will be read very, very soon! :D I'm so excited for this one - though the only idea I have about it is that it's about six teenagers that don't follow the rules (might be completely wrong there as well, though :P). 

This are just some from the mountain of famous books I haven't read - a forever-growing list! I will (try to) get to them eventually :P

Did any of these books surprise you? What are some very known books you haven't read? I'd love to know so that I don't feel as excluded from society and life hehe!

Happy reading!

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  1. This post really interested me, and I kept it in my notifications box for HOURS because I wanted to be fully awake for when I read your list. I actually read The Book Thief a little less than two years ago, along with the HP series, and then Six of Crows earlier last year. Paper Towns, I read that in 2014, and it's my favorite book by John Green. I agree with you - TFIOS was just simply 'okay' and Looking for Alaska was even worse. I read Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare WHILE I was reading City of Heavenly Fire, the seventh installment to the Mortal Instruments series, which ultimately put me into a year-long reading slump. I've tried to read Pride and Prejudice on so many different occasions, but it just wasn't working for me.

    But if you are looking for the best book out of this list to read, I very very highly recommend reading Six of Crows. I absolutely loved it, though I recommend reading at least one of the books in the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo to just get a sense of the world this book is set in.

    Enjoy your reading! I hope this comment didn't cause you too much stress!


    1. Wow Cec! ONE you've read/tried to read almost ALL of the books I chose to write about for this post. That can only mean I'm EVEN FURTHER behind than I thought!! TWO The Mortal Instruments series also put me in a really long reading slump :( I don't know what's with these books! THREE you mean reading the Grisha trilogy before I read Six of Crows? If that's what I'm meant to do, I don't have time to do it before I have to read Six of Crows for my Diverse Reads Challenge for the month of March! D:

      Thanks for your wonderful comment!! <3

    2. I actually haven't read all three of the Grisha books, but I only recommend reading one if you'd like to get a grasp of the world in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. It's just a little bit easier, and Shadow and Bone (The first book) is really good, so it's worth it.


    3. Great! I'll try to squeeze it in my March TBR! Thanks so much, Cec!

  2. So many good ones! I know there are a lot of popular books I haven't read either. It's hard to keep up with everything. P&P is one of my favorite novels. I find it funnier every time I pick it up. Great post!

    1. I definitely have to read Price and Prejudice... I will manage to before the end of summer!

  3. I completely feel you on The Book Thief and The Harry Potter series!! I wasn't even a book reader when I was in middlegrade so I never really cared about it until I actually started reading but then I feel I'm too old for it BUT I'm still reading it for sure! at least I'd love to try the first book :)

    1. I know!! I think they will be great if you keep in mind they're middle grade reads. Do tell me what you think of them when you read them!


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