Top 5 Wednesday Posts

Hello everyone! Welcome to my Top 5 Wednesday page :D 

T5W is a Goodreads group founded by Lainey and currently hosted by Sam that aims to promote reading and book blogging by giving us, readers, a weekly book-related topic of which to share our top 5. I will link here all my T5W posts just to keep a record of the ones I write :) I will not join in on every week's topics, but I will certainly try to write as many as possible. You are more than welcome to leave a link to your posts for each topic at the comment section of each post so that I can have a look! 

  1. T5W 1 - Favourite Minor Characters
  2. T5W 2 - Fandoms you are no longer in
  3. T5W 3 - Books for your Hogwarts House
  4. T5W 4 - Children's Books
  5. T5W 5 - Books Without Romance
  6. T5W 6 - Series that got worse with each book/season
  7. T5W 7 - Book Covers You'd Live In
  8. T5W 8 - Books from Before I Started Blogging

Happy reading!