Monday, 6 August 2018

2018 Audiobook Challenge

2018 Audiobook Challenge

Hello, everyone! If you've been following me for a while here or on Twitter, you'll know I've become a huge fan of Audiobooks over the past few years. As I have little time to read throughout the school year, listening to books while I walk or drive to places, or while I clean or cook has saved both me and my TBR's fate. Since I listened to Thirteen Reasons Why back in 2015, audiobooks have smoothly become by far my main source of literature, and I honestly cannot imagine my life without them anymore. Even if I am reading a physical copy of a book, I always like having my audiobook companion with me. 

Whenever I get the chance, I like to ramble on and on to friends about how amazing this new type of reading is, and about how they should try them out if only to confirm audiobooks "are not for them" 😉 However, it is still hard to convince people they should give audiobooks a try, so if only one person who reads this blogpost finally decides to pick one up, I'll be super excited (if you are that person, I am totally available on Twitter for questions, recommendations or moral support you may require 💕). 

"Ok, but I thought this blogpost's title said something about a challenge?" You may ask yourself. Well, of course! Because of things I've more or less explained in my previous blogpost, I haven't been blogging much lately, and so I haven't written this post earlier in the year, as I did the years before. Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer's annual Audiobook Challenge is definitely one of the challenges I most enjoy participating in! It is for every person out there, blogger or not, who would like to try out the whole audiobook business, or who already knows how incredible they are and want to keep listening with an amazing community of audiobook lovers.

This year I'm joining Stenographer level, which means I have to listen to 10 to 15 books before the end of the year. I've slowly escalated the levels since I first joined - Newbie in 2016 and Weekend Warrior in 2017. Does that mean this challenge actually works? 😜

You can click this link if you'd like more info. Hope you join in!

Happy reading!


  1. Hey, Cova! I didn't know you took a hiatus, but I'm glad you're back! I was actually considering listening to an audiobook of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, but unfortunately, I'm a little too visual, so I always have to have the book with me. :) Have you been doing well since we last saw you in 2017?

  2. Yay! I can't wait to see all the new audiobooks you listen too and hear all about them. Happy new year, Cova! :)

    Megan @


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