Hello, hello!
So I'm hear once again to talk about books and books and books! (which, if you are reading this, we all know you too love ;) ). So this month -which I wasn't planning on buying any books- I ended up buying 4! Which is pretty good, if you ask me :P
I bought the first three because they had been on my TBR list for quite a long time now, and I finally found them on sale - which was certainly not to be missed. And the third one, I had to buy for a voluntary project for one of my subjects at university - and I actually think it seems pretty interesting. Honestly, I have no idea what each of them is about, but I have heard a lot of good things about them, and I found the stories interesting at the time, though I have forgotten by now. I prefer it like this, really. That way it's a mystery what I will find :)
Let's get to it!
A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness
I think this one has probably been in my TBR the longest. I've heard so many good things about it, and I've wanted to buy it for so long! Now I finally have :D I didn't buy the hard cover edition that I originally wanted, though, but the deal was €4.99 and I just thought not taking it would be a crime... As far as I know, it is a children's book, but can and should be read by people all ages. I'm so excited!!
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North
I've known about the existence of this book for a while now, but I had somewhat forgotten about it until recently I read it a book blog, and I thought it was time to give it a go! All I know is that it is about a guy named Harry August who comes back to life every time :P sounds interesting! And I've read really good reviews on it, so yeah... Time to read it!
The Wrath and the Dawn - Renée Ahdieh
And this is a book I think most YA readers will have heard of. I honestly have no idea what it is about and never have, but I know a lot of people absolutely love it and I am in love with its cover hehe!
p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code - Sue Armstrong
And lastly, p53 is a book I have to read for an assignment. It is about the discovery of the p53 gene -which is highly related to cancer development-, what it means to the medical world and the applications it may lead to. So far I've read 2 chapters, and it's already very interesting! I'll keep you posted on this one :D
Any books you have purchased recently? Have you read any of these? If so, which one do you think I should read first? (other than p53 which I have already started, of course) I'd love to know! :D
Don't forget to follow me on any of these social media if you want me to keep you posted on my readings!
Happy reading!
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