Sunday, 9 October 2016

September Bookhaul!

Hello, hello!

So I'm hear once again to talk about books and books and books! (which, if you are reading this, we all know you too love ;) ). So this month -which I wasn't planning on buying any books- I ended up buying 4! Which is pretty good, if you ask me :P

I bought the first three because they had been on my TBR list for quite a long time now, and I finally found them on sale - which was certainly not to be missed. And the third one, I had to buy for a voluntary project for one of my subjects at university - and I actually think it seems pretty interesting. Honestly, I have no idea what each of them is about, but I have heard a lot of good things about them, and I found the stories interesting at the time, though I have forgotten by now. I prefer it like this, really. That way it's a mystery what I will find :)

Let's get to it!

A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness

I think this one has probably been in my TBR the longest. I've heard so many good things about it, and I've wanted to buy it for so long! Now I finally have :D I didn't buy the hard cover edition that I originally wanted, though, but the deal was €4.99 and I just thought not taking it would be a crime... As far as I know, it is a children's book, but can and should be read by people all ages. I'm so excited!!

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North

I've known about the existence of this book for a while now, but I had somewhat forgotten about it until recently I read it a book blog, and I thought it was time to give it a go! All I know is that it is about a guy named Harry August who comes back to life every time :P sounds interesting! And I've read really good reviews on it, so yeah... Time to read it!

The Wrath and the Dawn - Renée Ahdieh

And this is a book I think most YA readers will have heard of. I honestly have no idea what it is about and never have, but I know a lot of people absolutely love it and I am in love with its cover hehe!

p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code - Sue Armstrong

And lastly, p53 is a book I have to read for an assignment. It is about the discovery of the p53 gene -which is highly related to cancer development-, what it means to the medical world and the applications it may lead to. So far I've read 2 chapters, and it's already very interesting! I'll keep you posted on this one :D

Any books you have purchased recently? Have you read any of these? If so, which one do you think I should read first? (other than p53 which I have already started, of course) I'd love to know! :D

Don't forget to follow me on any of these social media if you want me to keep you posted on my readings!

Happy reading!

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