Sunday, 25 September 2016

10 Books I Loved but Sadly don't Own :(

Hello there! In this week's post I will ramble on about book I have read and I have loved but unfortunately I still don't own. By "not own" I include books I checked out from the library and books I've been lent, but I also include e-book editions as, even though I do technically own them, if I REALLY liked a book I like having its printed version (plus hardcover if possible! hehe).

The books listed here are in no particular order - I wrote them down as I remembered about them :) If you click on the picture of each cover, you'll be taken to the Goodreads page for the book.

1. Forbidden, by Tabitha Suzuma 

This books is one of my all-time favourites. It's a YA, contemporary novel about a girl and a boy who are brother and sister. Their parents got divorced some years back and since then they've had to take care of their little bothers and sister as their mum didn't take well the separation and started having drinking problems and wasting money on stupid things and going out with new boyfriends. The thing is, they fall in love (yes! I know they are brother and sister!), but they are afraid anyone will know as their situation at home is not good at all and they don't want the police sneaking around in case they call social services and they separate the siblings. This one is a very hard story, beautifully written. It's an absolute MUST, and I have a full review here. However, I only have its e-book edition and I never bought the physical copy :(

2. Delirium Series, by Lauren Oliver


This YA, dystopian series is about a time in the future when society has come to take love and emotions as a disease. They separate boys and girls drastically since they are little, and when they get to a certain age, they perform a surgery on them so that they stop feeling emotions at all. Sometimes it doesn't work - most of the times it does. However, since the beginning there has been a group of people who don't believe that love does any harm, and they live as a legend outside of the city boundaries, never able to trespass. Our protagonist Lena has reached the day of her operation, but she meets someone that makes her change her mind ;) When I read the first book I thought the story was absolutely insane. A friend of mind lent it to me, and unfortunately I never got to buy it myself. The rest books in the series I bought in digital format.

3. When it Rains, by Lisa de Jong

This one was one of those books you pick up with no expectations whatsoever and end up being crazy good. It's a YA, contemporary, and it's about a girl -Kate- whose guy best friend Beau falls in love with her, but she doesn't want to have a relationship -neither with him nor with anyone. She has a secret she hasn't told anybody which prevents her from wanting to get attached to anyone. Now Beau is going off to college, and a new guy comes to town which makes Kate's world upside down. This book made me cry my eyes out. It is literally the book that has made me cry the most. I was sobbing half of it and my tears wouldn't let me keep reading! I absolutely loved it, but I bought it in e-book edition :(

4. Eve series, by Anna Carey


The first book in the series was lent to me by the same friend that lent me Delirium (thanks, Maria! haha) - and yes, it's another YA :P A virus has almost completely whipped out from humans the surface of the Earth. Eve is one of the few orphan girls who was lucky enough to end up safe in her only-girls school, in which she studies so she can get to the amazing New America. In this school she is taught that men are terrible beasts whose fault is that the world ended up the way it ultimately did. She was taught to always fear men, but the night before her graduation she finds out the terrible truth that hides outside her school's walls, and she decides to run away, and she must trust a boy to do so. I loved this series! However, as happened with the delirium series, I don't own the first book and I have the rest in digital format. What's wrong with me! D:

5. Ruby Red (Precious Stone trilogy #1), by Kerstin Gier

OK, so what happened with this series is some emotional stuff right there. This trilogy was recommended and lent to me by a good friend of mine (who happens to have the same name as the one who recommended the previous two series to me, but is a different person :P) who likes reading just as much as my sister and I do. She was so fond of the story, and I have to admit I hadn't read any books about time travel  before, so I gave it a go and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEM. Suddenly we were these three fan-girls fangirling all the time about The Precious Stone trilogy (and with it came a lot more series). We were huge fans. This was the year we turned 15, and right the next summer my sister and I had to move away to another country. The beautiful part of the story is that the last time we saw her, she gave us these two wrapped packages and told us to open them when we were at home, and so we did. I cried my eyes out when we found the last two books of the series (her own copies) inside the wrapping paper, with a note that said something like "I give you these books so that you remember our great friendship, but I keep the first one as it is where all of it began". I don't remember exactly, bu it was beautiful and sad. That is why I don't own the first book in the series, but the last two.

6. The Cemetery of Forgotten Books series, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


These books by the amazing Carlos Ruiz Zafón were lent to me by different people, and therefore I do not own them. I've already said a couple of time that Zafón is my all-time favourite author, so I'm fully ashamed to say even though I've read literally all the books he has published, I only own 2 of them :( These series, as all by the author if I'm not mistaken, is an adult, historical-fiction one. It's been so long since I read them and I don't really remember what they were about, so here's Goodread's synopsis:

"Barcelona, 1945: A city slowly heals in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, and Daniel, an antiquarian book dealer’s son who mourns the loss of his mother, finds solace in a mysterious book entitled The Shadow of the Wind, by one Julián Carax. But when he sets out to find the author’s other works, he makes a shocking discovery: someone has been systematically destroying every copy of every book Carax has written. In fact, Daniel may have the last of Carax’s books in existence. Soon Daniel’s seemingly innocent quest opens a door into one of Barcelona’s darkest secrets--an epic story of murder, madness, and doomed love."

The next book in the series is coming out in November, and I am super excited!

7. Marina, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Same goes for this novel - the only stand-alone novel Carlos Ruiz Zafón has written so far (his children's books were originally published as stand-alones, but they form a trilogy now). Marina is an outstanding novel about love, friendship and strength. I absolutely loved it, and I know various people who started reading after they read this book, so that is saying something ;)

8. Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl is a YA, contemporary novel about two twin girls who go off to college and are separated for the first time - even though they go to the same university, they chose different dorms and different courses. I really like it because I have a twin sister in the same situation, and the story felt so real. I have a full review on the blog which you can read here. I bought this novel in e-book edition, but I really would like to have the hardcover edition :(

9. Le Syndrome Copernic, by Henri Loevenbruck

This book was another one of those nice surprises you don't expect to be as good as they actually are! I read this one SO long ago, and it had been lent to my sister (yeah, I stole a borrowed book hehe), so I don't own it :( It is an adult, contemporary novel about a man called Vigo Ravel who suffers from a mental illness called Copernicus' Syndrome, which involves schizophrenia and amnesia. He reaches a point where he can no longer distinguish between what is real and what his mind is making up. He hears people's thoughts, and he starts thinking these voices (which are planning a terrorist attack) might be real and he is the only one who knows about them and their plan. I thought the book was amazing. I remember thinking about how well the author managed to transmit to you the confused state of the character, and how everything is all over the place - just as it is for him. I loved it, but I don't own it...

10. The Secret Garden, by 

I picked up this book from my local library literally more than 8 years ago (I think I was still in primary school), and I still remember about it -so you can imagine how much I liked it. I spent so long trying to find this book a couple of years back, but I was hard because I didn't remember the exact title and my searches were all clouded by The Forgotten Garden (by Kate Morton), which had been released not so long ago. It is a children's classic about a little girl who comes to live with her uncle to an immense mansion in which she finds a secret garden locked with a key she can't find. I remembered I loved it. As I checked it out from the library, I don't have a copy of this wonderful book -plus I remembered I took a beautiful edition of the book! 

And that is it. Those are 9 of the books I'd love to have a physical copy of, but I still didn't manage to. Do you have any books you've read and you'd like to have a physical copy of? 

Happy reading!

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