Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Top 5 Wednesday 1 | Favourite Minor Characters

Hello guys! I joined the Top 5 Wednesday community on Goodreads not long ago, but because of exams I couldn't start it. So here we are now that I finished the semester! In Top 5 Wednesday we're given a topic for each Wednesday of the month, and we are meant to say our top 5 related to the topic. It was created by Lainey, it is now hosted by Sam and you can find more information here :)

This week's topic is... 

Favourite Minor Characters

(The elements of the following list are in no particular order)

For sure, one I have to include is Persephone from The Raven Cycle, by Maggie Stiefvater. I've only read the first book in the series (I own the second one, so I'll hopefully read it soon), but I loved her character! I love both her name and her personality. She's so cute and quiet, but she's also very wise and funny. I don't know, I just fell in love with her from the very beginning!

Another one is definitely Alice from the Twilight Saga, by Stephenie Meyer. Now that I think about it, her character's pretty similar to Persephone's -I see a pattern here! ;) She's also cute, friendly and has a great heart. I'd love to have a friend like her!

I also have to talk about Dylan's preschool teacher, from The Hereafter by Jessica Bucher. I've talked about this book before in a post, and I think she represents a very important persona that should always be present in a child's life. She represents home. I probably should remember her name, but this book's rather new, so I couldn't find it online, and I don't have my book with me at the moment hehe 😅

From All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr I have to point out Etienne LeBlanc - Marie-Laure's great-uncle. I felt a connection with him while reading the book -like he was my grand-father. He is very strange but loving at the same time, and I love how he takes care of her grand-niece, how he teaches her things and makes her pass the time in that house. I'm a huge fan of Etienne's! 

And last but not least, from the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman I am going to say Mrs. Owens. She hasn't got a very important role in the book other than actually adopting the main character, but she's this maternal figure that's hard not to love. I thought she was very funny and caring!

And those are my favourite minor characters! I know some people may think of some of them as secondary characters rather than minor, but I have to confess I have the worst memory, and rare is the story I remember perfectly after reading it, let alone character names and characters at all 😀 So that's the best I can do! Let's see how I do at writing a post for it every week :P 

And what about you? What are some of you favourite minor characters? Leave me a link down below to a similar post of yours so that I can check it out!

Happy reading!

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  1. I love your list. I haven't read all of these books, but they are on my to be read list. I had a hard time with my list too (my memory on character names is awful!) but it was a good challenge. It made me revisit some old favorites! I really liked how you included Alice from Twilight. She was my favorite! My list is here: if you wish to read. Keep on posting great stuff!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Alexis! My memory is the worst... I'll go right over and see what characters you wrote about. I'm so curious!

  2. I've only read The Raven Boys and Twilight from this list, but I totally agree with you on the interesting side characters. I think my favorite from TRB is probably Ronan, although I don't think I realized it until I read the second or third book.

    1. I still have to read the second and third books from the Raven Cycle! I own the second one, though. Although I don't see myself reading it anytime soon because I just have so much to read this and next month!


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