Friday, 21 July 2017

The Comment Challenge | August 2017

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to make a quick announcement today and say that I am participating in The Comment Challenge - summer edition, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF. This post is meant to be for my participation during the month of August, although I am truly ashamed to admit I am also participating in this month's challenge but I forgot to write a blog post about it! I'm so, so sorry, girls! D:

It's easy! You sign up for the challenge in either host's page and they pair you with another blogger according to the type of books you read more often and the number of posts you plan to write during the month. Once you are paired, you just have to comment on your partner's blog posts, and they will comment on yours! It's a win-win, and a great way to connect with fellow bookworms and bloggers.  

Hope you guys decide to join in on the fun!

Happy reading!

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  1. Hi Cova, First off, welcome back!! Secondly, I've adored getting to know you. Your reviews are thoughtful and my TBR list has grown so much since getting to know you! <3 <3

    Lonna @ FLYLēF

    1. Hi Lonna! It's been a pleasure being you commenting partner this time around :D I love this challenge - it's a great way to connect with fellow book lovers! I'm glad I've inspired you to read some of the books I love :) I've also taken some great recommendations from your blog! <3


I'd love to read your comment!